Senators in the Finance Committee just struck section 4, containing changes to the Public Health Act and abortion, from its HOPE Act.
Senator Schumer introduced the amendment, and after a heated debate, found success.
When Senator Grassley said the bill did not explicity mention abortion, Chairman Baucus retorted, "the implicit language does not make the explicit fact go away".
Grassley firmly defended the section, offering changes but hoping to "maintain the religious protections that our doctors have enjoyed for several decades".
Senator Kyl chimed in, adding that current language in the Public Health Act "forcing providers to perform any sort of abortion... violates part of a very hippocratic oath that they take to become a doctor".
In a final attempt, Senator Grassley introduced a second amendment that would not strike Section 4, but would add a clarifying statement at the end of the bill regarding a threat to life for mothers seeking an abortion.
Before administering the vote, the Chairman told his colleagues, "we vote on second degree amendments first, that means keep your hands down". The democrats listened and in succession voted down the second degree amendment and voted for the first degree amendment that struck section 4 from the bill.
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