Thursday, April 2, 2009

3 Dems' Houses to be Replaced by Fed Detention Centers

When Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) proposed an amendment to build three new federal detention centers, the Democratic majority did not bat an eyelash. But looking a little closer at the bill may have been a good idea, specifically the following section:

(2) the locations of the first three centers to be constructed shall be as follows and the boundaries of such facilities shall extendequally in all directions:
(i) (35.468455,-114.916932)
(ii) (39.3916947,-76.716842)
(iii) (41.9585339,-87.67223059)

But why these specific locations? I caught up with Senator Inhofeto get the scoop. His only comment: "The coordinates for the first three prisons refer directly to the coordinates of Reid, Cardin, and Emmanuel's houses." Watch out for those bulldozers, Dems!

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