Thursday, April 2, 2009

President Alive and Well

The Claremont Beat just discovered that despite widespread rumors to the contrary, President Obama is alive and well. When asked about his absence, the President said "I feel alive and refreshed."

The Senate floor remains in a tizzy over widespread confusion over why the President has not signed the previously passed PPA bill, when the UCA states that the Senate cannot call a vote on the next bill on the docket until the previous one has been signed.

Administration Officials pointed us to the provision in the Simulation Manual that says the simulation can be called to a close after each committee has succeeded in passing a bill through the Senate. CEPA bill was from EPW and and PPA , the bill currently on the President's desk, is from Finance.

It appears that the Administration is fearful that Senate leaders wish to end the simulation before their important financial regulatory bill finds success.

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